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Hourglass Screen-Time Monitoring - A Lockdown Parenting Hack

Hourglass Screen-Time Monitoring - A Lockdown Parenting Hack For years, we’ve been dreaming of spending more time at home with our loved ones. COVID-19 and the lockdowns that followed gave us that chance. Although some got the best of it right away - pumping their muscles, starting personal blogs, and getting back to hobbies long forgotten - for most parents, these illusions very quickly gave way to a brutal reality.  Working from home also brought the daily music of children crying for distractions and our own eagerness to give into almost any request in exchange for a quiet minute to get some work done.  Now as we are realizing that home may not be as great of an office as...

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Hourglass: When It Was Invented and Why It’s Still Relevant Today

You’re probably familiar with the time-measuring device that is an hourglass. Some of us grew up using it for board games such as Alias while others have only seen it on our computer screens while impatiently waiting for something to load. Despite how well known it is today, its invention still remains a mystery. Some sources claim it was first created in the 8th century, while Guinness World Records using records of purchases made by sailors claim it was the 14th century. How sailors traded water for sand The first visual proof of an hourglass’ existence dates back to 1338, in a fresco painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. A later mention comes from 1345 from a receipt issued by an English...

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Boosting Productivity with Research, Tomatoes, and an Hourglass

Let’s face it, being productive is a challenge that most of us have to deal with daily. Our minds have a tendency to doze off, and our fingers have a tendency to swipe without our permission. I’m sure you know what I mean, especially if you work in an environment full of distractions (like home). In this short article, we’re going to take a look at some of the findings on increasing productivity and how using an hourglass can help. What is productivity? Contrary to the usual perception, productivity is not about getting more things done but rather accomplishing the important things that need to get done. The good news is that since working efficiently is such a universal challenge,...

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